Visualization Tools¶
The data is visualized via the slices. These slices are visual components made with the D3.js. Some components can be completed or required inputs.
Country Map Tools¶
This tool is used in slices for visualization number or string by region, province or department of your countries. So, if you want to use tools, you need ISO 3166-2 code of region, province or departmenent.
ISO 3166-2 is part of the ISO 3166 standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), and defines codes for identifying the principal subdivisions (e.g., provinces or states) of all countries coded in ISO 3166-1
The purpose of ISO 3166-2 is to establish an international standard of short and unique alphanumeric codes to represent the relevant administrative divisions and dependent territories of all countries in a more convenient and less ambiguous form than their full names. Each complete ISO 3166-2 code consists of two parts, separated by a hyphen:[1]
The first part is the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of the country; The second part is a string of up to three alphanumeric characters, which is usually obtained from national sources and stems from coding systems already in use in the country concerned, but may also be developed by the ISO itself.
List of Countries¶
- Belgium
ISO | Name of region |
BE-BRU | Bruxelles |
BE-VAN | Antwerpen |
BE-VLI | Limburg |
BE-VOV | Oost-Vlaanderen |
BE-VBR | Vlaams Brabant |
BE-VWV | West-Vlaanderen |
BE-WBR | Brabant Wallon |
BE-WHT | Hainaut |
BE-WLG | Liège |
BE-VLI | Limburg |
BE-WLX | Luxembourg |
BE-WNA | Namur |
- Brazil
ISO | Name of region |
BR-AC | Acre |
BR-AL | Alagoas |
BR-AP | Amapá |
BR-AM | Amazonas |
BR-BA | Bahia |
BR-CE | Ceará |
BR-DF | Distrito Federal |
BR-ES | Espírito Santo |
BR-GO | Goiás |
BR-MA | Maranhão |
BR-MS | Mato Grosso do Sul |
BR-MT | Mato Grosso |
BR-MG | Minas Gerais |
BR-PA | Pará |
BR-PB | Paraíba |
BR-PR | Paraná |
BR-PE | Pernambuco |
BR-PI | Piauí |
BR-RJ | Rio de Janeiro |
BR-RN | Rio Grande do Norte |
BR-RS | Rio Grande do Sul |
BR-RO | Rondônia |
BR-RR | Roraima |
BR-SP | São Paulo |
BR-SC | Santa Catarina |
BR-SE | Sergipe |
BR-TO | Tocantins |
- China
ISO | Name of region |
CN-34 | Anhui |
CN-11 | Beijing |
CN-50 | Chongqing |
CN-35 | Fujian |
CN-62 | Gansu |
CN-44 | Guangdong |
CN-45 | Guangxi |
CN-52 | Guizhou |
CN-46 | Hainan |
CN-13 | Hebei |
CN-23 | Heilongjiang |
CN-41 | Henan |
CN-42 | Hubei |
CN-43 | Hunan |
CN-32 | Jiangsu |
CN-36 | Jiangxi |
CN-22 | Jilin |
CN-21 | Liaoning |
CN-15 | Nei Mongol |
CN-64 | Ningxia Hui |
CN-63 | Qinghai |
CN-61 | Shaanxi |
CN-37 | Shandong |
CN-31 | Shanghai |
CN-14 | Shanxi |
CN-51 | Sichuan |
CN-12 | Tianjin |
CN-65 | Xinjiang Uygur |
CN-54 | Xizang |
CN-53 | Yunnan |
CN-33 | Zhejiang |
- Egypt
ISO | Name of region |
EG-DK | Ad Daqahliyah |
EG-BA | Al Bahr al Ahmar |
EG-BH | Al Buhayrah |
EG-FYM | Al Fayyum |
EG-GH | Al Gharbiyah |
EG-ALX | Al Iskandariyah |
EG-IS | Al Isma iliyah |
EG-GZ | Al Jizah |
EG-MNF | Al Minufiyah |
EG-MN | Al Minya |
EG-C | Al Qahirah |
EG-KB | Al Qalyubiyah |
EG-LX | Al Uqsur |
EG-WAD | Al Wadi al Jadid |
EG-SUZ | As Suways |
EG-SHR | Ash Sharqiyah |
EG-ASN | Aswan |
EG-AST | Asyut |
EG-BNS | Bani Suwayf |
EG-PTS | Bur Sa id |
EG-DT | Dumyat |
EG-JS | Janub Sina’ |
EG-KFS | Kafr ash Shaykh |
EG-MT | Matrouh |
EG-KN | Qina |
EG-SIN | Shamal Sina’ |
EG-SHG | Suhaj |
- France
ISO | Name of region |
FR-67 | Bas-Rhin |
FR-68 | Haut-Rhin |
FR-24 | Dordogne |
FR-33 | Gironde |
FR-40 | Landes |
FR-47 | Lot-et-Garonne |
FR-64 | Pyrénées-Atlantiques |
FR-03 | Allier |
FR-15 | Cantal |
FR-43 | Haute-Loire |
FR-63 | Puy-de-Dôme |
FR-91 | Essonne |
FR-92 | Hauts-de-Seine |
FR-75 | Paris |
FR-77 | Seine-et-Marne |
FR-93 | Seine-Saint-Denis |
FR-95 | Val-d’Oise |
FR-94 | Val-de-Marne |
FR-78 | Yvelines |
FR-14 | Calvados |
FR-50 | Manche |
FR-61 | Orne |
FR-21 | Côte-d’Or |
FR-58 | Nièvre |
FR-71 | Saône-et-Loire |
FR-89 | Yonne |
FR-22 | Côtes-d’Armor |
FR-29 | Finistère |
FR-35 | Ille-et-Vilaine |
FR-56 | Morbihan |
FR-18 | Cher |
FR-28 | Eure-et-Loir |
FR-37 | Indre-et-Loire |
FR-36 | Indre |
FR-41 | Loir-et-Cher |
FR-45 | Loiret |
FR-08 | Ardennes |
FR-10 | Aube |
FR-52 | Haute-Marne |
FR-51 | Marne |
FR-2A | Corse-du-Sud |
FR-2B | Haute-Corse |
FR-25 | Doubs |
FR-70 | Haute-Saône |
FR-39 | Jura |
FR-90 | Territoire de Belfort |
FR-27 | Eure |
FR-76 | Seine-Maritime |
FR-11 | Aude |
FR-30 | Gard |
FR-34 | Hérault |
FR-48 | Lozère |
FR-66 | Pyrénées-Orientales |
FR-19 | Corrèze |
FR-23 | Creuse |
FR-87 | Haute-Vienne |
FR-54 | Meurthe-et-Moselle |
FR-55 | Meuse |
FR-57 | Moselle |
FR-88 | Vosges |
FR-09 | Ariège |
FR-12 | Aveyron |
FR-32 | Gers |
FR-31 | Haute-Garonne |
FR-65 | Hautes-Pyrénées |
FR-46 | Lot |
FR-82 | Tarn-et-Garonne |
FR-81 | Tarn |
FR-59 | Nord |
FR-62 | Pas-de-Calais |
FR-44 | Loire-Atlantique |
FR-49 | Maine-et-Loire |
FR-53 | Mayenne |
FR-72 | Sarthe |
FR-85 | Vendée |
FR-02 | Aisne |
FR-60 | Oise |
FR-80 | Somme |
FR-17 | Charente-Maritime |
FR-16 | Charente |
FR-79 | Deux-Sèvres |
FR-86 | Vienne |
FR-04 | Alpes-de-Haute-Provence |
FR-06 | Alpes-Maritimes |
FR-13 | Bouches-du-Rhône |
FR-05 | Hautes-Alpes |
FR-83 | Var |
FR-84 | Vaucluse |
FR-01 | Ain |
FR-07 | Ardèche |
FR-26 | Drôme |
FR-74 | Haute-Savoie |
FR-38 | Isère |
FR-42 | Loire |
FR-69 | Rhône |
FR-73 | Savoie |
- Germany
ISO | Name of region |
DE-BW | Baden-Württemberg |
DE-BY | Bayern |
DE-BE | Berlin |
DE-BB | Brandenburg |
DE-HB | Bremen |
DE-HH | Hamburg |
DE-HE | Hessen |
DE-MV | Mecklenburg-Vorpommern |
DE-NI | Niedersachsen |
DE-NW | Nordrhein-Westfalen |
DE-RP | Rheinland-Pfalz |
DE-SL | Saarland |
DE-ST | Sachsen-Anhalt |
DE-SN | Sachsen |
DE-SH | Schleswig-Holstein |
DE-TH | Thüringen |
- Italy
ISO | Name of region |
IT-CH | Chieti |
IT-AQ | L’Aquila |
IT-PE | Pescara |
IT-TE | Teramo |
IT-BA | Bari |
IT-BT | Barletta-Andria-Trani |
IT-BR | Brindisi |
IT-FG | Foggia |
IT-LE | Lecce |
IT-TA | Taranto |
IT-MT | Matera |
IT-PZ | Potenza |
IT-CZ | Catanzaro |
IT-CS | Cosenza |
IT-KR | Crotone |
IT-RC | Reggio Di Calabria |
IT-VV | Vibo Valentia |
IT-AV | Avellino |
IT-BN | Benevento |
IT-CE | Caserta |
IT-NA | Napoli |
IT-SA | Salerno |
IT-BO | Bologna |
IT-FE | Ferrara |
IT-FC | Forli’ - Cesena |
IT-MO | Modena |
IT-PR | Parma |
IT-PC | Piacenza |
IT-RA | Ravenna |
IT-RE | Reggio Nell’Emilia |
IT-RN | Rimini |
IT-GO | Gorizia |
IT-PN | Pordenone |
IT-TS | Trieste |
IT-UD | Udine |
IT-FR | Frosinone |
IT-LT | Latina |
IT-RI | Rieti |
IT-RM | Roma |
IT-VT | Viterbo |
IT-GE | Genova |
IT-IM | Imperia |
IT-SP | La Spezia |
IT-SV | Savona |
IT-BG | Bergamo |
IT-BS | Brescia |
IT-CO | Como |
IT-CR | Cremona |
IT-LC | Lecco |
IT-LO | Lodi |
IT-MN | Mantua |
IT-MI | Milano |
IT-MB | Monza and Brianza |
IT-PV | Pavia |
IT-SO | Sondrio |
IT-VA | Varese |
IT-AN | Ancona |
IT-AP | Ascoli Piceno |
IT-FM | Fermo |
IT-MC | Macerata |
IT-PU | Pesaro E Urbino |
IT-CB | Campobasso |
IT-IS | Isernia |
IT-AL | Alessandria |
IT-AT | Asti |
IT-BI | Biella |
IT-CN | Cuneo |
IT-NO | Novara |
IT-TO | Torino |
IT-VB | Verbano-Cusio-Ossola |
IT-VC | Vercelli |
IT-CA | Cagliari |
IT-CI | Carbonia-Iglesias |
IT-VS | Medio Campidano |
IT-NU | Nuoro |
IT-OG | Ogliastra |
IT-OT | Olbia-Tempio |
IT-OR | Oristano |
IT-SS | Sassari |
IT-AG | Agrigento |
IT-CL | Caltanissetta |
IT-CT | Catania |
IT-EN | Enna |
IT-ME | Messina |
IT-PA | Palermo |
IT-RG | Ragusa |
IT-SR | Syracuse |
IT-TP | Trapani |
IT-AR | Arezzo |
IT-FI | Florence |
IT-GR | Grosseto |
IT-LI | Livorno |
IT-LU | Lucca |
IT-MS | Massa Carrara |
IT-PI | Pisa |
IT-PT | Pistoia |
IT-PO | Prato |
IT-SI | Siena |
IT-BZ | Bolzano |
IT-TN | Trento |
IT-PG | Perugia |
IT-TR | Terni |
IT-AO | Aosta |
IT-BL | Belluno |
IT-PD | Padua |
IT-RO | Rovigo |
IT-TV | Treviso |
IT-VE | Venezia |
IT-VR | Verona |
IT-VI | Vicenza |
- Morocco
ISO | Name of region |
MA-BES | Ben Slimane |
MA-KHO | Khouribga |
MA-SET | Settat |
MA-JDI | El Jadida |
MA-SAF | Safi |
MA-BOM | Boulemane |
MA-FES | Fès |
MA-SEF | Sefrou |
MA-MOU | Zouagha-Moulay Yacoub |
MA-KEN | Kénitra |
MA-SIK | Sidi Kacem |
MA-CAS | Casablanca |
MA-MOH | Mohammedia |
MA-ASZ | Assa-Zag |
MA-GUE | Guelmim |
MA-TNT | Tan-Tan |
MA-TAT | Tata |
MA-LAA | Laâyoune |
MA-HAO | Al Haouz |
MA-CHI | Chichaoua |
MA-KES | El Kelaâ des Sraghna |
MA-ESI | Essaouira |
MA-MMD | Marrakech |
MA-HAJ | El Hajeb |
MA-ERR | Errachidia |
MA-IFR | Ifrane |
MA-KHN | Khénifra |
MA-MEK | Meknès |
MA-BER | Berkane Taourirt |
MA-FIG | Figuig |
MA-JRA | Jerada |
MA-NAD | Nador |
MA-OUJ | Oujda Angad |
MA-KHE | Khémisset |
MA-RAB | Rabat |
MA-SAL | Salé |
MA-SKH | Skhirate-Témara |
MA-AGD | Agadir-Ida ou Tanane |
MA-CHT | Chtouka-Aït Baha |
MA-INE | Inezgane-Aït Melloul |
MA-OUA | Ouarzazate |
MA-TAR | Taroudannt |
MA-TIZ | Tiznit |
MA-ZAG | Zagora |
MA-AZI | Azilal |
MA-BEM | Béni Mellal |
MA-CHE | Chefchaouen |
MA-FAH | Fahs Anjra |
MA-LAR | Larache |
MA-TET | Tétouan |
MA-TNG | Tanger-Assilah |
MA-HOC | Al Hoceïma |
MA-TAO | Taounate |
MA-TAZ | Taza |
- Netherlands
ISO | Name of region |
NL-DR | Drenthe |
NL-FL | Flevoland |
NL-FR | Friesland |
NL-GE | Gelderland |
NL-GR | Groningen |
NL-YS | IJsselmeer |
NL-LI | Limburg |
NL-NB | Noord-Brabant |
NL-NH | Noord-Holland |
NL-OV | Overijssel |
NL-UT | Utrecht |
NL-ZE | Zeeland |
NL-ZM | Zeeuwse meren |
NL-ZH | Zuid-Holland |
- Russian
ISO | Name of region |
RU-AD | Adygey |
RU-ALT | Altay |
RU-AMU | Amur |
RU-ARK | Arkhangel’sk |
RU-AST | Astrakhan’ |
RU-BA | Bashkortostan |
RU-BEL | Belgorod |
RU-BRY | Bryansk |
RU-BU | Buryat |
RU-CE | Chechnya |
RU-CHE | Chelyabinsk |
RU-CHU | Chukot |
RU-CU | Chuvash |
RU-SPE | City of St. Petersburg |
RU-DA | Dagestan |
RU-AL | Gorno-Altay |
RU-IN | Ingush |
RU-IRK | Irkutsk |
RU-IVA | Ivanovo |
RU-KB | Kabardin-Balkar |
RU-KGD | Kaliningrad |
RU-KL | Kalmyk |
RU-KLU | Kaluga |
RU-KAM | Kamchatka |
RU-KC | Karachay-Cherkess |
RU-KR | Karelia |
RU-KEM | Kemerovo |
RU-KHA | Khabarovsk |
RU-KK | Khakass |
RU-KHM | Khanty-Mansiy |
RU-KIR | Kirov |
RU-KO | Komi |
RU-KOS | Kostroma |
RU-KDA | Krasnodar |
RU-KYA | Krasnoyarsk |
RU-KGN | Kurgan |
RU-KRS | Kursk |
RU-LEN | Leningrad |
RU-LIP | Lipetsk |
RU-MAG | Maga Buryatdan |
RU-ME | Mariy-El |
RU-MO | Mordovia |
RU-MOW | Moscow City |
RU-MOS | Moskva |
RU-MUR | Murmansk |
RU-NEN | Nenets |
RU-NIZ | Nizhegorod |
RU-SE | North Ossetia |
RU-NGR | Novgorod |
RU-NVS | Novosibirsk |
RU-OMS | Omsk |
RU-ORL | Orel |
RU-ORE | Orenburg |
RU-PNZ | Penza |
RU-PER | Perm’ |
RU-PRI | Primor’ye |
RU-PSK | Pskov |
RU-ROS | Rostov |
RU-RYA | Ryazan’ |
RU-SAK | Sakhalin |
RU-SA | Sakha |
RU-SAM | Samara |
RU-SAR | Saratov |
RU-SMO | Smolensk |
RU-STA | Stavropol’ |
RU-SVE | Sverdlovsk |
RU-TAM | Tambov |
RU-TA | Tatarstan |
RU-TOM | Tomsk |
RU-TUL | Tula |
RU-TY | Tuva |
RU-TVE | Tver’ |
RU-TYU | Tyumen’ |
RU-UD | Udmurt |
RU-ULY | Ul’yanovsk |
RU-VLA | Vladimir |
RU-VGG | Volgograd |
RU-VLG | Vologda |
RU-VOR | Voronezh |
RU-YAN | Yamal-Nenets |
RU-YAR | Yaroslavl’ |
RU-YEV | Yevrey |
RU-ZAB | Zabaykal’ye |
- Singapore
Id | Name of region |
205 | Singapore |
- Spain
ISO | Name of region |
ES-AL | Almería |
ES-CA | Cádiz |
ES-CO | Córdoba |
ES-GR | Granada |
ES-H | Huelva |
ES-J | Jaén |
ES-MA | Málaga |
ES-SE | Sevilla |
ES-HU | Huesca |
ES-TE | Teruel |
ES-Z | Zaragoza |
ES-S3 | Cantabria |
ES-AB | Albacete |
ES-CR | Ciudad Real |
ES-CU | Cuenca |
ES-GU | Guadalajara |
ES-TO | Toledo |
ES-AV | Ávila |
ES-BU | Burgos |
ES-LE | León |
ES-P | Palencia |
ES-SA | Salamanca |
ES-SG | Segovia |
ES-SO | Soria |
ES-VA | Valladolid |
ES-ZA | Zamora |
ES-B | Barcelona |
ES-GI | Girona |
ES-L | Lleida |
ES-T | Tarragona |
ES-CE | Ceuta |
ES-ML | Melilla |
ES-M5 | Madrid |
ES-NA7 | Navarra |
ES-A | Alicante |
ES-CS | Castellón |
ES-V | Valencia |
ES-BA | Badajoz |
ES-CC | Cáceres |
ES-C | A Coruña |
ES-LU | Lugo |
ES-OR | Ourense |
ES-PO | Pontevedra |
ES-PM | Baleares |
ES-GC | Las Palmas |
ES-TF | Santa Cruz de Tenerife |
ES-LO4 | La Rioja |
ES-VI | Álava |
ES-SS | Guipúzcoa |
ES-BI | Vizcaya |
ES-O2 | Asturias |
ES-MU6 | Murcia |
- Uk
ISO | Name of region |
GB-BDG | Barking and Dagenham |
GB-BAS | Bath and North East Somerset |
GB-BDF | Bedfordshire |
GB-WBK | Berkshire |
GB-BEX | Bexley |
GB-BBD | Blackburn with Darwen |
GB-BMH | Bournemouth |
GB-BEN | Brent |
GB-BNH | Brighton and Hove |
GB-BST | Bristol |
GB-BRY | Bromley |
GB-BKM | Buckinghamshire |
GB-CAM | Cambridgeshire |
GB-CMD | Camden |
GB-CHS | Cheshire |
GB-CON | Cornwall |
GB-CRY | Croydon |
GB-CMA | Cumbria |
GB-DAL | Darlington |
GB-DBY | Derbyshire |
GB-DER | Derby |
GB-DEV | Devon |
GB-DOR | Dorset |
GB-DUR | Durham |
GB-EAL | Ealing |
GB-ERY | East Riding of Yorkshire |
GB-ESX | East Sussex |
GB-ENF | Enfield |
GB-ESS | Essex |
GB-GLS | Gloucestershire |
GB-GRE | Greenwich |
GB-HCK | Hackney |
GB-HAL | Halton |
GB-HMF | Hammersmith and Fulham |
GB-HAM | Hampshire |
GB-HRY | Haringey |
GB-HRW | Harrow |
GB-HPL | Hartlepool |
GB-HAV | Havering |
GB-HRT | Herefordshire |
GB-HEF | Hertfordshire |
GB-HIL | Hillingdon |
GB-HNS | Hounslow |
GB-IOW | Isle of Wight |
GB-ISL | Islington |
GB-KEC | Kensington and Chelsea |
GB-KEN | Kent |
GB-KHL | Kingston upon Hull |
GB-KTT | Kingston upon Thames |
GB-LBH | Lambeth |
GB-LAN | Lancashire |
GB-LEC | Leicestershire |
GB-LCE | Leicester |
GB-LEW | Lewisham |
GB-LIN | Lincolnshire |
GB-LND | London |
GB-LUT | Luton |
GB-MAN | Manchester |
GB-MDW | Medway |
GB-MER | Merseyside |
GB-MRT | Merton |
GB-MDB | Middlesbrough |
GB-MIK | Milton Keynes |
GB-NWM | Newham |
GB-NFK | Norfolk |
GB-NEL | North East Lincolnshire |
GB-NLN | North Lincolnshire |
GB-NSM | North Somerset |
GB-NYK | North Yorkshire |
GB-NTH | Northamptonshire |
GB-NBL | Northumberland |
GB-NTT | Nottinghamshire |
GB-NGM | Nottingham |
GB-OXF | Oxfordshire |
GB-PTE | Peterborough |
GB-PLY | Plymouth |
GB-POL | Poole |
GB-POR | Portsmouth |
GB-RDB | Redbridge |
GB-RCC | Redcar and Cleveland |
GB-RIC | Richmond upon Thames |
GB-RUT | Rutland |
GB-SHR | Shropshire |
GB-SOM | Somerset |
GB-SGC | South Gloucestershire |
GB-SY | South Yorkshire |
GB-STH | Southampton |
GB-SOS | Southend-on-Sea |
GB-SWK | Southwark |
GB-STS | Staffordshire |
GB-STT | Stockton-on-Tees |
GB-STE | Stoke-on-Trent |
GB-SFK | Suffolk |
GB-SRY | Surrey |
GB-STN | Sutton |
GB-SWD | Swindon |
GB-TFW | Telford and Wrekin |
GB-THR | Thurrock |
GB-TOB | Torbay |
GB-TWH | Tower Hamlets |
GB-TAW | Tyne and Wear |
GB-WFT | Waltham Forest |
GB-WND | Wandsworth |
GB-WRT | Warrington |
GB-WAR | Warwickshire |
GB-WM | West Midlands |
GB-WSX | West Sussex |
GB-WY | West Yorkshire |
GB-WSM | Westminster |
GB-WIL | Wiltshire |
GB-WOR | Worcestershire |
GB-YOR | York |
GB-ANT | Antrim |
GB-ARD | Ards |
GB-ARM | Armagh |
GB-BLA | Ballymena |
GB-BLY | Ballymoney |
GB-BNB | Banbridge |
GB-BFS | Belfast |
GB-CKF | Carrickfergus |
GB-CSR | Castlereagh |
GB-CLR | Coleraine |
GB-CKT | Cookstown |
GB-CGV | Craigavon |
GB-DRY | Derry |
GB-DOW | Down |
GB-DGN | Dungannon |
GB-FER | Fermanagh |
GB-LRN | Larne |
GB-LMV | Limavady |
GB-LSB | Lisburn |
GB-MFT | Magherafelt |
GB-MYL | Moyle |
GB-NYM | Newry and Mourne |
GB-NTA | Newtownabbey |
GB-NDN | North Down |
GB-OMH | Omagh |
GB-STB | Strabane |
GB-ABD | Aberdeenshire |
GB-ABE | Aberdeen |
GB-ANS | Angus |
GB-AGB | Argyll and Bute |
GB-CLK | Clackmannanshire |
GB-DGY | Dumfries and Galloway |
GB-DND | Dundee |
GB-EAY | East Ayrshire |
GB-EDU | East Dunbartonshire |
GB-ELN | East Lothian |
GB-ERW | East Renfrewshire |
GB-EDH | Edinburgh |
GB-ELS | Eilean Siar |
GB-FAL | Falkirk |
GB-FIF | Fife |
GB-GLG | Glasgow |
GB-HLD | Highland |
GB-IVC | Inverclyde |
GB-MLN | Midlothian |
GB-MRY | Moray |
GB-NAY | North Ayshire |
GB-NLK | North Lanarkshire |
GB-ORK | Orkney Islands |
GB-PKN | Perthshire and Kinross |
GB-RFW | Renfrewshire |
GB-SCB | Scottish Borders |
GB-ZET | Shetland Islands |
GB-SAY | South Ayrshire |
GB-SLK | South Lanarkshire |
GB-STG | Stirling |
GB-WDU | West Dunbartonshire |
GB-WLN | West Lothian |
GB-AGY | Anglesey |
GB-BGW | Blaenau Gwent |
GB-BGE | Bridgend |
GB-CAY | Caerphilly |
GB-CRF | Cardiff |
GB-CMN | Carmarthenshire |
GB-CGN | Ceredigion |
GB-CWY | Conwy |
GB-DEN | Denbighshire |
GB-FLN | Flintshire |
GB-GWN | Gwynedd |
GB-MTY | Merthyr Tydfil |
GB-MON | Monmouthshire |
GB-NTL | Neath Port Talbot |
GB-NWP | Newport |
GB-PEM | Pembrokeshire |
GB-POW | Powys |
GB-RCT | Rhondda |
GB-SWA | Swansea |
GB-TOF | Torfaen |
GB-VGL | Vale of Glamorgan |
GB-WRX | Wrexham |
- Ukraine
ISO | Name of region |
UA-71 | Cherkasy |
UA-74 | Chernihiv |
UA-77 | Chernivtsi |
UA-43 | Crimea |
UA-12 | Dnipropetrovs’k |
UA-14 | Donets’k |
UA-26 | Ivano-Frankivs’k |
UA-63 | Kharkiv |
UA-65 | Kherson |
UA-68 | Khmel’nyts’kyy |
UA-30 | Kiev City |
UA-32 | Kiev |
UA-35 | Kirovohrad |
UA-46 | L’viv |
UA-09 | Luhans’k |
UA-48 | Mykolayiv |
UA-51 | Odessa |
UA-53 | Poltava |
UA-56 | Rivne |
UA-40 | Sevastopol’ |
UA-59 | Sumy |
UA-61 | Ternopil’ |
UA-21 | Transcarpathia |
UA-05 | Vinnytsya |
UA-07 | Volyn |
UA-23 | Zaporizhzhya |
UA-18 | Zhytomyr |
- Usa
ISO | Name of region |
US-AL | Alabama |
US-AK | Alaska |
US-AK | Alaska |
US-AZ | Arizona |
US-AR | Arkansas |
US-CA | California |
US-CO | Colorado |
US-CT | Connecticut |
US-DE | Delaware |
US-DC | District of Columbia |
US-FL | Florida |
US-GA | Georgia |
US-HI | Hawaii |
US-ID | Idaho |
US-IL | Illinois |
US-IN | Indiana |
US-IA | Iowa |
US-KS | Kansas |
US-KY | Kentucky |
US-LA | Louisiana |
US-ME | Maine |
US-MD | Maryland |
US-MA | Massachusetts |
US-MI | Michigan |
US-MN | Minnesota |
US-MS | Mississippi |
US-MO | Missouri |
US-MT | Montana |
US-NE | Nebraska |
US-NV | Nevada |
US-NH | New Hampshire |
US-NJ | New Jersey |
US-NM | New Mexico |
US-NY | New York |
US-NC | North Carolina |
US-ND | North Dakota |
US-OH | Ohio |
US-OK | Oklahoma |
US-OR | Oregon |
US-PA | Pennsylvania |
US-RI | Rhode Island |
US-SC | South Carolina |
US-SD | South Dakota |
US-TN | Tennessee |
US-TX | Texas |
US-UT | Utah |
US-VT | Vermont |
US-VA | Virginia |
US-WA | Washington |
US-WV | West Virginia |
US-WI | Wisconsin |
US-WY | Wyoming |
You need to add a new Country ?¶
To add a new country in country map tools, we need follow next steps :
- You need shapfiles why contains data of your map. You can get this file in this site :
- You need to add ISO 3166-2 with column name ISO for all record in your file. It’s important because, it’s a norm for mapping your data with geojson file
- You need to convert shapfile to geojson file. This action can make with ogr2ogr tools :
- Put your geojson file in next folder : superset/assets/visualizations/countries with the next name : nameofyourcountries.geojson
- You can to reduce size of geojson file ont this site :
- Go in file superset/assets/javascripts/explorev2/stores/controls.jsx
- Add your country in component ‘select_country’ Example :
select_country: {
type: 'SelectControl',
label: 'Country Name Type',
default: 'France',
choices: [
].map(s => [s, s]),
description: 'The name of country that Superset should display',